Which of the following is an ozone-depleting pesticide?

Which of the following is an ozone-depleting pesticide? 

(1) D.D.T. 

(2) Benzene 

(3) Methyl bromide 

(4) Ethylene ozonide 

Answer: (3) Methyl bromide- is considered to be a significant ozone-depleting substance (ODS) by atmospheric scientists. While methyl bromide is a natural substance, the additional methyl bromide added to the atmosphere by humans contributes to the thinning of the ozone layer, allowing increased UV radiation to reach the Earth’s surface, with a potential impact not only on human health and the environment but to agricultural crops as well.

Which of the following is an ozone-depleting pesticide?   (1) D.D.T.   (2) Benzene   (3) Methyl bromide   (4) Ethylene ozonide

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