Arabs were defeated in 738 A.D. by

Arabs were defeated in 738 A.D. by 

(A) Pratiharas 

(B) Rashtrakutas 

(C) Palas 

(D) Chalukyas

Answer: (D) The Battle of Rajasthan is a battle (or series of battles) where the Hindu alliance defeated the Arab invaders in 738 CE and removed the Arab invaders and pillagers from the area east of the Indus River and protected the whole of India. The main Indian kings who contributed to the victory over the Arabs were the north Indian ruler Nagabhata of the Pratihara Dynasty and the south Indian Emperor Vikramaditya- II of the Chalukya dynasty in the 8th century. 

Arabs were defeated in 738 A.D. by   (A) Pratiharas   (B) Rashtrakutas   (C) Palas   (D) Chalukyas

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